ECMAScript® 2024 Language Specification

Draft ECMA-262 / February 15, 2024

9.5 Jobs and Host Operations to Enqueue Jobs

A Job is an Abstract Closure with no parameters that initiates an ECMAScript computation when no other ECMAScript computation is currently in progress.

Jobs are scheduled for execution by ECMAScript host environments in a particular agent. This specification describes the host hooks HostEnqueueGenericJob, HostEnqueueFinalizationRegistryCleanupJob, HostEnqueuePromiseJob, and HostEnqueueTimeoutJob to schedule jobs. The host hooks in this specification are organized by the additional constraints imposed on the scheduling of jobs. Hosts may define additional abstract operations which schedule jobs. Such operations accept a Job Abstract Closure and a realm (a Realm Record or null) as parameters. If a Realm Record is provided, these operations schedule the job to be performed at some future time in the provided realm, in the agent that owns the realm. If null is provided instead for the realm, then the job does not evaluate ECMAScript code. Their implementations must conform to the following requirements:

Note 1
Host environments are not required to treat Jobs uniformly with respect to scheduling. For example, web browsers and Node.js treat Promise-handling Jobs as a higher priority than other work; future features may add Jobs that are not treated at such a high priority.

At any particular time, scriptOrModule (a Script Record, a Module Record, or null) is the active script or module if all of the following conditions are true:

At any particular time, an execution is prepared to evaluate ECMAScript code if all of the following conditions are true:

Note 2

Host environments may prepare an execution to evaluate code by pushing execution contexts onto the execution context stack. The specific steps are implementation-defined.

The specific choice of Realm is up to the host environment. This initial execution context and Realm is only in use before any callback function is invoked. When a callback function related to a Job, like a Promise handler, is invoked, the invocation pushes its own execution context and Realm.

Particular kinds of Jobs have additional conformance requirements.

9.5.1 JobCallback Records

A JobCallback Record is a Record value used to store a function object and a host-defined value. Function objects that are invoked via a Job enqueued by the host may have additional host-defined context. To propagate the state, Job Abstract Closures should not capture and call function objects directly. Instead, use HostMakeJobCallback and HostCallJobCallback.


The WHATWG HTML specification (, for example, uses the host-defined value to propagate the incumbent settings object for Promise callbacks.

JobCallback Records have the fields listed in Table 28.

Table 28: JobCallback Record Fields
Field Name Value Meaning
[[Callback]] a function object The function to invoke when the Job is invoked.
[[HostDefined]] anything (default value is empty) Field reserved for use by hosts.

9.5.2 HostMakeJobCallback ( callback )

The host-defined abstract operation HostMakeJobCallback takes argument callback (a function object) and returns a JobCallback Record.

An implementation of HostMakeJobCallback must conform to the following requirements:

The default implementation of HostMakeJobCallback performs the following steps when called:

  1. Return the JobCallback Record { [[Callback]]: callback, [[HostDefined]]: empty }.

ECMAScript hosts that are not web browsers must use the default implementation of HostMakeJobCallback.


This is called at the time that the callback is passed to the function that is responsible for its being eventually scheduled and run. For example, promise.then(thenAction) calls MakeJobCallback on thenAction at the time of invoking Promise.prototype.then, not at the time of scheduling the reaction Job.

9.5.3 HostCallJobCallback ( jobCallback, V, argumentsList )

The host-defined abstract operation HostCallJobCallback takes arguments jobCallback (a JobCallback Record), V (an ECMAScript language value), and argumentsList (a List of ECMAScript language values) and returns either a normal completion containing an ECMAScript language value or a throw completion.

An implementation of HostCallJobCallback must conform to the following requirements:

  • It must perform and return the result of Call(jobCallback.[[Callback]], V, argumentsList).

This requirement means that hosts cannot change the [[Call]] behaviour of function objects defined in this specification.

The default implementation of HostCallJobCallback performs the following steps when called:

  1. Assert: IsCallable(jobCallback.[[Callback]]) is true.
  2. Return ? Call(jobCallback.[[Callback]], V, argumentsList).

ECMAScript hosts that are not web browsers must use the default implementation of HostCallJobCallback.

9.5.4 HostEnqueueGenericJob ( job, realm )

The host-defined abstract operation HostEnqueueGenericJob takes arguments job (a Job Abstract Closure) and realm (a Realm Record) and returns unused. It schedules job in the realm realm in the agent signified by realm.[[AgentSignifier]] to be performed at some future time. The Abstract Closures used with this algorithm are intended to be scheduled without additional constraints, such as priority and ordering.

An implementation of HostEnqueueGenericJob must conform to the requirements in 9.5.

9.5.5 HostEnqueuePromiseJob ( job, realm )

The host-defined abstract operation HostEnqueuePromiseJob takes arguments job (a Job Abstract Closure) and realm (a Realm Record or null) and returns unused. It schedules job to be performed at some future time. The Abstract Closures used with this algorithm are intended to be related to the handling of Promises, or otherwise, to be scheduled with equal priority to Promise handling operations.

An implementation of HostEnqueuePromiseJob must conform to the requirements in 9.5 as well as the following:


The realm for Jobs returned by NewPromiseResolveThenableJob is usually the result of calling GetFunctionRealm on the then function object. The realm for Jobs returned by NewPromiseReactionJob is usually the result of calling GetFunctionRealm on the handler if the handler is not undefined. If the handler is undefined, realm is null. For both kinds of Jobs, when GetFunctionRealm completes abnormally (i.e. called on a revoked Proxy), realm is the current Realm Record at the time of the GetFunctionRealm call. When the realm is null, no user ECMAScript code will be evaluated and no new ECMAScript objects (e.g. Error objects) will be created. The WHATWG HTML specification (, for example, uses realm to check for the ability to run script and for the entry concept.

9.5.6 HostEnqueueTimeoutJob ( timeoutJob, realm, milliseconds )

The host-defined abstract operation HostEnqueueTimeoutJob takes arguments timeoutJob (a Job Abstract Closure), realm (a Realm Record), and milliseconds (a non-negative finite Number) and returns unused. It schedules timeoutJob in the realm realm in the agent signified by realm.[[AgentSignifier]] to be performed after at least milliseconds milliseconds.

An implementation of HostEnqueueTimeoutJob must conform to the requirements in 9.5.